Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Guess Who?

Mystery Mom #6: This healthy mom of two, whose favorite food is salad, has been married for 13 years. Overwhelmed by clutter?You might want to invite her to your house, since "organizing" is what she does best. She loves reading, scrap booking, and crafting, but unlike many of you, does not like the beach one bit. When asked where she would choose to live for a year, she answered, "right where I am!"

Mystery Mom #7: This night-owl is the mom of three, and she has also been married for 13 years! Motherhood is the perfect job for her, since "taking care of people" is what she does best. She would love to live in Italy, respects her parents the most, and aspires to write a novel or paint. Her motto? "Begin as you mean to go."

Mystery Mom #8: Her positive attitude is reflected in her motto, "Just keep swimmin'." (Wise words from an animated fish!) If she could have any super power, it would be to snap her fingers and all chores would be magically done. (If she figures that one out, let her please teach the rest of us!) She has three kids and would love to live in New Zealand for a year. Her dream? To be at the top of her company, while keeping God and her family first.